Saturday, 16 August 2008

CEC youth meeting - 10 Aug

Our usual weekly CEC was an enjoyable one this week, though we were missing some regular faces.

It started off with a couple of songs followed by a lively game of uno-stacko. For the game, there were no winners and losers as all of us had a lot of fun. (Although I was the last to make the stack fall... shhhh don't tell anyone!)

We managed to exceed the time which was supposed to be allocated for the games so we started our Bible study fairly late. The Bible study time was certainly enjoyable, as we explored God's word from Ephesians 4. After which the meeting was closed.

Key prayer requests this week revolved around school, with important tests and assignment deadlines approaching rapidly.

Do continue to join us as we seek after God's Word and enjoy the time we have together.


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